You Should Know
9 December 2021
Big Brother
You'd Better Watch Out: The Surveillance State Has a Naughty List, and You’re On It. To the list of items I think you can add the home devices like the Amazon Echo and Google Home. I love my Amazon Echo devices, but there is no doubt they are spying on me beyond the parameters of what the devices are supposed to be doing.
Getting worse, Biden administration is incompetent, pray for peace: Satellite images show the buildup of Russian forces near Ukraine that have the US and NATO worried about an invasion.
'It's just crazy': 12 major cities hit all-time homicide records
Senate votes to repeal Biden’s federal vaccine mandate.
End of an era: Germany’s Merkel bows out after 16 years.
Pearl Harbor
This is awesome: Unidentified Remains of U.S. Service Members Reinterred in Hawaii as Offutt Project Winds Down.
Russiagate is the biggest scandal in American history.
Not Sure What To Do With This Bit Of Info
Viagra cuts the risk of Alzheimer’s by 70 percent.
I recommend C.S. Lewis’ sci-fi space trilogy, usually refered to by the name of the first book, “Out of the Silent Planet.” The three book series is not an easy read. It is different than anything else Lewis wrote. If you are not up for a three book sci-fi story or if you just want a taste, go for the third book, “That Hideous Strength.”
The first two books leave Earth. The concluding book brings the action back to Earth. Lewis wrote the trilogy before WW2. When you read it, you will think Lewis wrote it today. A warning: it’s not too bad, but Lewis gets graphic about some of the evil stuff. It' is definitely not for children. Amazon Link
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. (1 John 4:9 NIV)
Merry Christmas!